Low carb, low fat, high vegetable, high fiber, mostly plant based
Decrease starch and refined sugar and carbs
Decrease bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes
Eat a fruit or vegetable or both with each meal daily
Eat less meat, eat more fish, eggs and legumes (beans) for proteins
Make you plate colorful. Try to include as many natural colors in one day as possible
If you snack between meals, eat CARB FREE SNACK such as cheese, cut veggies…
Decrease fried and fast foods
Decrease food from a can or fruits from a plastic cup (Frozen veggies and fruits are better options)
Decrease or eliminate soda, juice, or flavored drinks
Examples of low-starch vegetables
asparagus, green beans, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, celery, lettuce, carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, spinach, mustard, collard greens, kale, swiss chard, cabbage, tomatoes, yams, beets, okra, squash, avocados, mushrooms, scallions, onions, shallots, zucchini, garlic, ginger
Examples of Fruits for WeightLoss
Grapefruit: half a grape fruit contains about 39 calories. It has a low glycemic index, that is sugar is release into your bloodstream slowly.
Apples: a large apple contains about 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber when eaten whole.
Berries: 1/2 cup of blueberries contain 42 calories, strawberries 50 calories. Low-calories nutrient powerhouse.
Stonefruits: also known a drupes which include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots.
Passion Fruits: each one contains about 17 calories and rich in fiber, vitamin C, A, iron and potassium.
Kiwifruits: an excellent source of vitamin C, E, folate, and fiber. It also has a low glycemic index, that is sugar is release into your bloodstream slowly.
Melon: a cup of watermelon has an average of 55 calories. Melons have low calories and high water contents which aids weight loss.
Oranges: low calories but high in vitamin C and fiber when then whole fruit is eaten.
Banana: although high in sugar and calories, bananas are more nutrient-dense.
Avocados: half contains 160 calories which makes it the most calorie-dense fruit.
****Fruits are best eaten whole rather than juiced****